How old are you and how many years have you been skating? - OldManMike - Tempe, AZ
Hackett: The physical body is 46 by yearly measurements…The spirit is ageless. Emotionally, I can be anywhere from 14 – 90 depending on the situation. Most of the time I feel like I’m in my 20’s and I’ve been skateboarding for 41 years.
What was the first deck you ever owned? OldManMike - Tempe, AZ
Hackett: A red, steel wheeled 1965 Roller derby "Skate Board".

What is/was your favourite board/set up and do you still have it/one? TonyB - London, UK
Hackett: That’s a tough one Tony. I have a lot of decks that are favorites but if I had to pick one (or three), The number one deck is my 34.5X10" "Purple Heart" set up with Indy vintage 169’s with Yellow Khiro Barrel Bushings, and Nitro Ceramic bearings in my new "Hackett Slash" 60mm 101durometer wheels by "Cheta Wheels". I currently ride on most vert, bank, pool and bowl terrain with that set up. The other favorite is that weird little 30X9.5" Street Sickle I did with Skull Skates back in 1985- That deck could be ridden in the tightest pools. I still have a couple of the originals still set up from back in the day. The last deck that has just become my favorite for bank riding and surfskating- my new 30X9 flat nose"Bert Machine" that I just started making on my "Malibu SurfSkates" label. I set mine up with Bennett trucks and Kryptonic wheels, Khiro Bushings and Nitro Bearings. Check it out at
Where was the first spot you skated?.... and what was the best session? Michael - Australia
Hackett: The first actual "Spot" I started riding was our neighborhood that consisted of about 100 homes with steep banked driveways on a downhill, so you could slash and carve in and out of every driveway on the way down to the bottom ending up at the beach, then hitchhike back to the top. The best sessions were on hot summer days with all the guys I grew up with. Most of the time it would be about 10-20 of us all bombing these hills and carving the driveways ALL DAY LONG. My all time favorite sessions are when I skate with Olson or Alva or JayBoy or Duane. Those guys are from my same era (just before knee sliding) and we all share a common feel for how a pool or bank should be ridden.
Where have you ended up travelling to through skating? SteveS - Sussex, UK
Hackett: I’ve been to the UK, Japan, Hong Kong, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, France, Mexico City, and ALL OVER the US. Still waiting for someone to pay our way to Australia and New Zealand for a demo or to judge a contest!
How did you turn pro and who for? Jellyhead - Sussex, UK
Hackett: What Up JellyHead! HAHA! I turned Pro at 15 years old back in 1975, and rode for G&S FibreFlex, Tracker Trucks, (No Indy back then) Pepsi Team, and 360 Sportswear.

What was it like doing the loop? and what could you compare that rush too? Jer - Raleigh, NC
Hackett: The Loop was Gnar! It was a serious rush. It was like flying. Total "Out-Of-Control – In-Control" kind of sensation. There’s a huge blind spot when you’re upside down that makes you have to rely on your instincts and the initial line you set at the start of it. I would compare it to the G-force you feel when taking off in an F-4 Phantom or an F-16 Fighter plane. It’s only about 2-3 seconds- But feels like slow motion.
How many tries to pull the loop? OldManBrian - Chandler, Arizona
Hackett: I tried about 10-15 times into the bags, the last 2-3, I was coming all the way around and the bags were in the way of me actually riding it out- So we just pulled the bags and I went for it! Olson and Daniel Harold Sturt really coached me through it.
Now that you did the Tony Hawk loop, any plans to go to Reedsport Oregon and loop the concrete beast? oregonparkskater - Oregon, WA
Hackett: I don’t know. I kinda' want to do that one too because it’s different. More of a carve than straight up and over upside down like Tony’s loop. I’m more interested in doing the Mega Ramp now. I just need to be able to handle the 25' quarter pipe air at the end.
I like your clothes shops, any plans to produce a new jacket? Gazza - UK
Hackett: HA HA! Good one buddy - HACKET clothing company is not owned by me! (I wish!) If it was, I’d be having my assistant answer these questions while I lay on the beach in Fiji!
I remember the rather excellent Deathbox forums, totally out of control - what forums do you post/lurk on? Gazza - UK
Hackett: Yeah, that was a bummer… I had it taken down because of so much hatred and negative energy it was creating. I thought it was going to be more productive and a cool place to share new ideas and history and stuff, but some skaters just have no class. Once and a while I will check out Bulldog’s forum,, MySpace ( and to see results of contests, or cool photos, but I almost never post anything anymore.
How do YOU get dogshit outta griptape? (Wayne's favourite question asked to everyone) Wayne - UK
Hackett: Wayne, Wayne, Wayne…What are we going to do with you Wayne? Didn’t you ask Lance or Skip that same question? How and why does dogshit get in your griptape? I’ve never had that happen yet - But if it did- I would pour gasoline on the entire deck, torch it, and sacrifice it to the EMPTY POOL GODDESS!! Get a cat Wayne.

How and when did you meet Olsen? Steve S, Sussex, UK
Hackett: I met Olson at that Winchester Pool contest in 1978 with Alva. I was riding for Alva at that event, and Tony knew Steve, so we all ended up hangin’ out and raging. Peter Gifford won that one, I got 3rd.
Who is the most punk rock outta you and Olson? Wayne - UK
Hackett: oLsOn for sure. I was never Punk Rock. I was always Rock&Roll. During the "Punk Era" I went disco - Hot chicks dug disco and long hair back then. Punk Rock was for Rejects and Fat Chicks.

If you could only skate one "discipline" from now on, what would it be? Wafflesole - South Coast, UK
Hackett: Bank riding. (SurfSkating) If you ever get the chance to go to Alb. New Mexico and ride The 3.5 mile long Indian School ditch, you’ll know why.
What is your favorite "skate event" to attend and why? (What makes an otherwise commercial/industry event fun for you? Who does it right?) Concretin - Louisville, KY
Hackett: My favorite to compete in is The Indian School Outlaw High Speed Banked Slalom Invitational Race; No rules, No Permits, No Nothing - Pay your $100, and you get three runs to post the fastest time (sick). My favorite events to watch are any of the World Cup Skate Cement Bowl events. Don and Danielle Bostick along with Dave Duncan know how to run a big event with a “Homeslice” feel. Those are the most fun, cause it’s like family. I also like to watch the vert and mega ramp events at X-Games and the Action Sports World Tour.

How did the Deathraces come about and what do you look for when laying the course out? Jellyhead - Sussex, UK
Hackett: Hey JellyHead! The DeathRace format was conceived by myself and Tony Mag. We wanted to create an event where a rider HAS to use the entire park WITHOUT pushing, around cones and in and out of bowls for the fastest time. We look for a high speed line that will not cross over itself through the whole park, in 30 seconds or less. If the course crosses itself, lots of skaters like to "barge" during practice and it can get a bit hectic. 30 seconds or less, because 50 riders at 3 runs each starts to add up to a lot of time for an event. Spectators and competitors can get bored very easy, so we try and keep the event moving fast with lot’s of energy.
Have you seen Hellboy the movie? Does that guy remind you of anyone?? Jellyhead - Sussex, UK
Hackett: No Jelly, I have never seen that one. Why? Are you in it?
Has there ever been a move that has eluded you over the years? Jellyhead - Sussex, UK
Hackett: Never. I can do all the Moves, just none of the tricks!
Have you changed your perception of interviews since now you do them for Juice? The Mutt - Balmer, Merlin
Hackett: I’ve never done interviews for Juice. You’re thinking of oLsOn. But my perception of interviews has changed since back in the day when I was trying to sound like I’m cooler than you.

When I think of all round terrain skaters, a few come to mind like yourself and Kenny Mollica. Is there any older riders out there like Kenny that you looked up to for inspiration? OldManMike - Tempe, AZ
Hackett: I love Kenny and admire his competitive record, but he is younger than me and I think it was him who looked up to oLsOn, not me…There are very few "All Around Riders" in this day and age that are older than me…I still think Tony Alva is ripping hard; I just skated a pool 2 weeks ago with him, Joe Wood and oLsOn and TA was killing it. The other "All Around Riders" I have respect for are; oLsOn, Duane, Tony Mag, Rob Palmer, Jeff Budro, Brad Edwards, Christian Hosoi, Brian Patch, Chris Miller, Lance, Cab, Dave Ruel, and Todd Johnson. The older guys I looked up to when I was coming up were Torger Johnson, Dave Hilton, Woody Woodward, Bruce Logan, Tony Alva, Stacy Peralta, Ray Flores, and Steven Picciolo.
Do you ever get involved with any of the banked slalom races like Indian School Ditch? And how's Palmer's pool? OldManMike - Tempe, AZ
Hackett: Yes, I helped organize one of the races through our racing organization; SRA ( and Black Leather Racing. Palmer’s pool is sick! Fun as hell, very tricky to ride and get wired, but home of some all time sessions!
What tricks are you credited with inventing? TonyB - London, UK
Hackett: None. I am known for the “Hackett Slash”! But that’s a "Move", not a trick. Tricks are for kids. Other Moves I am probably credited with doing first are the Bomb Drop off a truck in NYC, First Pipe to Pipe Ollie, First Bio Airs with Suspenders...
What was the worst skate injury you have had? OldManMike - Tempe, AZ
Hackett: Probably breaking all five metatarsals in my right foot. I still have four titanium screws holding it together.
Who's your favorite A-Team member if you had to pick one? OldManMike - Tempe, AZ
Hackett: I pity the fool who doesn’t remember Mr. "T"!
It seems to be all the rage in Juice mag, so....have you ever thanked god or jeezus for anything (other than for beer and chicks and stuff )? Oliver - London
Hackett: Absolutely! I thank God everyday for my amazing life and everything in it.
How high can you Ollie? Alec, Surrey - UK
Hackett: That Pipe to Pipe ollie is about 18 feet off the ground…
Do you like tight pants? O'Johnny, Springfield - Mo
Hackett: Only when my chick wears them! She’s a size 0.
Whats your favorite new shoe add? O'Johnny - Springfield, Mo
Hackett: I like the Giorgio Armani ads. For skate shoes, I like the Osiris, Vans, Vox, and Sanuk ads.
Do you snowboard as well as surf? Jellyhead - Sussex, UK
Hackett: Yes, I do but I’m a much better surfer than snowboarder because I live at the beach.
What is your favorite era of skateboarding ? El Gato Negro - Bordeaux, France
Hackett: I really love the 70’s era because it really embraced and publicized all disciplines of skateboarding including speed racing, slalom, pools, bowls, banks, schools, parks and specialty events like high jump, barrel jump, cross country and more. Magazines were less corrupt and "politically correct".
Are you a team rider or do you ride solo? O'Johnny - Springfield, Mo
What is your position on the slalom rules ( the euro vs us rules) and the number of wheels allowed ? El Gato Negro - Bordeaux, France
Hackett: Skateboard Racing is not only one of the sports first forms of competition; it is the purest, and most objective. Since those early days, many people and organizations have tried to change the definition of what a skateboard is by adding additional trucks, bearings, wheels and more: just shy of what could be defined as a set of roller blades!
The very essence of what a skateboard is; 1 board, 2 trucks, and 4 wheels.
Why dont you allow 'bands' to add you on myspace? (I make music but I'm a skater too). Munchh - Sussex, UK
Hackett: Because I get hit up with too many bands trying to promote.
What do you think about Nike jumping on the skate bandwagon? Or is it skating that jumped on the Nike train? OldManBrian - Chandler, Arizona
Hackett: Nike was one of the first big shoe companies to sponsor skaters back in the 1970’s. No one knows that because none of the current skate magazines cover skateboard history properly. Back in 1978 Nike sponsored me, Alva, Jerry Valdez, Kent Senatore, and a bunch of other pros. All Leather Nike Hi Tops were the shit back then.
Is there any equipment that you used to use that you wish they still made, or are you to good to give a shit? TonyB - London, UK
Hackett: I used to like Wings wheels, and also Powerflex 5’s. The original narrow Bennett trucks would be killer. I wish I had a few of my old Jay Adams design Fly Away helmets too.
What bearings do you use? TonyB - London, UK
Hackett: I use a variety of different bearings for different disciplines; Hi Speed Downhill I use Powell 6 Balls. Skateboard Racing, Nitro Ceramics or Oust Mach 9’s, Pool and Bowls, I use Nitro Abec 7’s or Ninjas.
Whats the most important 'part' of your setup to you, (which bit have you got the biggest OCD about)? Munchh - Sussex, UK
Hackett: Wheel base. Most of my decks I ride a 17 inch wheel base. I feel “right” when my stance is set on my deck. I’m also picky about proper truck alignment, bearing speed, bushing rebound and… sticker placement!
Last ever, ever! pool run for the Hack... where would it be, who'd be with you (skating), what moves are you pulling and what tune is playing? Jellyhead - Sussex, UK
Hackett: Original Dogbowl, Me, Olson, Alva, Biniak, Duane, Wentzle, Jayboy, B-Paul, Lance, Shogo, Muir, Wally, Greg Weaver and Joe Wood. We’re all carving fast and hard multiple combo lines, airs, and old school tail taps, wheelers, and slash grinds. Ted Nugent, ZZTop, ACDC, and The Sweet is Rockin’.
Who is the skater who impressed you the most? El Gato Negro - Bordeaux, France
So, when are you coming over to shralp the Rom pool in the UK? Jellyhead - Sussex, UK
Hackett: November 12th, 2011 – On my 50th birthday.
Anything you want to say that you haven't been asked about?
Hackett: I would like to let everyone know about the power of their own words. Try saying the following affirmations every morning to improve the quality of your life: "All Obstacles now Vanish from my Pathway. Doors fly open, gates are lifted to my greatest good as I enter the Kingdom of Fulfillment, under Grace to experience the Square of life- Health, Wealth, Love, and Perfect Self Expression." God Bless- And so it is…